Wild Pink // The Fences of Stonehenge

Post by Misha //
Yesterday I was stuck behind this truck for like 20 minutes but it was ok because there was a dog in the backseat who kept sticking his head out of the window and smiling in the wind. That dog was so happy that it kind of made up for the fact that I was running late and the truck was going a full 10 miles under the speed limit.
When you see dogs like that it’s impossible not to wonder what their secret is right? Because it’s not just happiness – it’s pureness and enthusiasm and freedom and sweetness and also probably a good amount of the natural blissful ignorance that comes from being, at the end of the day, a dog.
Anyway it got me thinking how the closest I’ll ever get to that feeling might just be the chorus of this song.
Buy Wild Pink’s music here. (Label: Fire Talk)