Everyone Says Hi // I Wish I Was In New York City

Post by Misha //
A truly perfect day in the city. The kind that makes you believe in miracles, would make you believe in almost anything at all. I rode my bike. The neighbors dragged a table out to their parking space and had people over for breakfast. The entirety of Brooklyn was in the park, on blankets, walking, with dogs, toddlers, friends, drinking, eating. People were having conversations loudly, glad to be overheard. They talked about calling their grandmas, about meditation, about how beautiful their friends were, about why they weren’t sad after a breakup, about where to go next. Every single thing felt possible. We ordered greek salad and olives and wine and vowed silently never to have children as we watched a boy at the next table dump a full glass of ice water on his mother’s lap and laugh. We sat in the grass until the mud seeped into our clothes.
I wrote this in my notebook on the first warm day in New York last March, a few months before we moved back to the west coast. I do not wish to be back in New York City, but I am glad for the memory of this perfect day.
Buy Everyone Says Hi’s self titled debut here.