TUNES // koleżanka – In a Meeting

Post by Misha
The absent minded thrum of nails on a desktop, a drum machine for ticking out the time. Stubborn daydream keeps reaching through the window for the horizon. Philodendron arms curl in time lapse, towards the slants of sunlight coming through the bedroom window. The warm thrill of turning the camera off during your boss’s boss’s presentation, and, completely unwatched, fishing a piece of tomato skin out from between two front teeth. Stretching arms overhead, yawning loudly. Every day is the last day of school, fluorescent lighting and mid-June heat. A deadly combination. Release, when it comes, will be blinding and green. A walk to the water. Two pairs of feet spilling off the blanket’s edge. Grass, sandwiches, laughter.
Written with social anxiety in mind, In a Meeting viscerally captures the tension between two oppositional states of being, existing in the midpoint between fear and comfort, daydream and reality, inside and out. koleżanka will release their debut album, Place Is, on July 30th on Bar/None Records. Preorder here.
Watch the video below: