EP // Winter – Hazy

Post by Misha
Hazy has a very indoor sort of sound. Not just the recording of it, but the way it’s delivered. It has the feeling of staying in for several days, wearing soft socks and speaking quietly only with yourself.
In the press release for the EP, Samira Winter references “June gloom” as an influence, and it’s easy to hear why. June gloom was a concept with which I was largely unfamiliar before moving to LA. In Washington, June tends to be something of a rounding-of-the-corner – a final sprint into the full blush of summer. But in Los Angeles, June puts a pause on the endless sunshine usually visited upon the city, and for a few weeks everyone gets used to the sky being milky and close. It’s funny how depending on cloud cover a city can be more or less like an empty room.
I always look forward to those June days. The gloom can sometimes feel like a reprieve, like permission to be interior, to spend a long time examining the creases in the drywall and wondering which earthquake put them there, or thinking about what you’d say to a friend you haven’t spoken to since middle school if one of you were ever to reach out. I imagine Hazy being written over a handful of those somber summer days while steeped in the great injustices of personal tragedy, turning over names and feelings like stones in a forest. In any case, it’s hard to imagine these songs growing so well in any other climate.
Hazy is out today on Bar None Records. You can buy it here.