TUNES // Weeping Icon – Like Envy

Post by Misha
Guitars the same color as the inside of a smoker’s lung, the same texture as a pair of eyelids flipped inside out and rubbed raw on a cracked iPhone screen. Pixels colliding at at higher and higher speeds, higher and higher decibels. There is a voice somewhere on the other end of it all but it gets increasingly difficult to hear as we drill further down towards the source of the static, blowing all the way past dystopia and into a post apocalyptic hipsterdom.
It’s dark and dense and there’s a needle to be found somewhere in this barbed-wire haystack, though the danger of the search is as much the point as discovery. Somewhere just outside a molten core there is the winking promise of deliverance, a hulking monument to unending noise, something too hot to be ignored.
Buy Weeping Icon’s 2019 self titled album here.