TUNES // Evil – Slow Dance

Post by Misha
I’m trying to remember the first time I slow danced with someone, and I can’t. Is that sad? It makes me a little sad. Somewhere I have a picture from the 7th grade dance I attended in a leopard print dress borrowed from my cousin’s step-sister. I’m with my best friend in the photo and the flash has turned our pupils a terrifying / terrified red. It might have happened that night. Or maybe it was at a 4H camp formal that summer where there was a kid I liked whose name was Taylor maybe? Or maybe after the heat of the summer died down and there was a barn dance at the County Fair that first weekend of September.
What I can remember is wanting so badly to slow dance with someone. Slouching against the folded up tables in our school’s cafeteria made strange and whimsical in the absence of fluorescent lights, wishing for the scene from the movie where the song switches and two sets of eyes lock into each other in the colorful dark and when they ask you to dance you say yes. The dancing itself – the stiff swaying back and forth, the arms locked sweatily in place – that part is hardly the point.
I can hear this song playing in a middle school cafeteria somewhere, the languid melody propelling crushes glidingly toward each other beneath fluttering streamers and a sea of fog machine haze.
Buy Slow Dance here.