EP // omes – boy

Post by Misha
A deliberate cascade of notes fall from guitar strings like the the last drops of a storm in the opening bars of boy. There’s something hangover-like in its movement – slow and at times reluctant. Blinking in surroundings with heavy eyes and an appreciable degree of resignation. Maybe not a booze hangover, but a hangover of newness, a hangover of in-motion-ness, like coming home after a long time being somewhere else and finding comfort as well as lack. Lackluster colors on the walls. The same familiar heavinesses sidling around at the ankles like a housecat.
But still, home is home. Four walls and some furniture. A body (preferably your own but in a pinch someone else’s might do). These songs feel well acquainted with that kind of interiority. They are burrowed several layers deep, the sound reaching out in green tendrils not to escape towards the sun but to wrap further in on itself. The word cocoon comes to mind.
Home-recorded hiss floats in and out like dust unsettled by a fan in an open window. The lushness is enveloping, summery, illegible and healthy in the way that sleep is. A single dandelion in a thrift store vase, a shaft of light drawn up like a breath, and when it ends a picked string is cut short.
Buy boy here via Devil Town Tapes.