TUNES // Lilith – C.O.Y.F.

Post by Misha
A sugary wash spills over everything right from the start. The melody is made of the colors of sunset and animated by a turpentine-strong burst pulling them apart, stratifying them across the sky.
The verse comes as a whisper in an ear – enchantingly soft, and made all the more so by a chorus of ooohs – but it is not without sting and sharpness, which make their presence known in tiny vocal sneers and guitar stabs, just enough to make sure it is remembered that for all its sweetness this is, after all, a rock song.
C.O.Y.F. captures a punctuated tenderness that is hard to put into words (or music). Like wrapping one’s self in a blanket that still has burrs sticking to it from an afternoon spent stretched out in the park, eating chips and guac from a styrofoam tub. Like rubbing aloe on a sunburn after the first day at the beach. Like tripping over a friend’s shoelace as you run arm in arm across a busy street.
It is warm, settled-in music with a pang, which is my favorite kind.
Lilith‘s debut album, Safer Off, will be out August 9th on Take This To Heart Records. (Pre-order here). The album will focus on making hometown spaces safer, helping others and yourself avoid toxic people and situations, and generally “hometown superheroics.” In that spirit, you can check out this really sweet series the band is doing to make a notoriously confusing Boston practice space called The Sound Museum more accessible and easy to get around. It is very pure. Watch here.