Post by Misha
Opening notes like the drip of a faucet late at night. Just soft enough to fall asleep to and persistent enough to crawl into panic dreams and rewire them in grotesque ways. Morphing into footfalls of the faceless, trailing menacingly in the periphery. Into the snapping beak of a bird that grows larger with every gnashing, grows scales for feathers, and unblinking leathery eyes caked in blood.
But the song is less about the dream than it is about the taste of the dream. Or more specifically waking up in the dark with the taste of the dream still under the tongue, metallic and frothing. Allowing the spinning in their temples to propel the troubled dreamer upwards and into a sitting position, checking to see if their phone is where they left it. (It is.) And if the world is how they left it (it is not).
The chorus is the prickling of cold sweat of trying to keep the world and the unworld separate as teeth come down hard on the soft inside flesh of a cheek. As the dream comes back in unstitched flashes.
What in the dark is an unfettered crisis by the morning is confined to a dull ache behind the eyes – though a brush fire rages between lid and retina. A 2am read receipt blinks unanswered; unanswerable. There is thirst, a longing to be bowled over by waves. Restless daydreams of a water wall in the kitchen where the leaky faucet once ruled.

Saltlick‘s new EP, WATERING DEAD PLANTS will be out August 11. Preorder it here! Streaming now on all platforms – Spotify link here!