TUNES // Rosie Tucker – Habit

Post by Misha
I bit the inside of my lip earlier today and the worst part was knowing that it would keep happening now. The instant I forgot about it. It’s exhausting to have to constantly focus on not accidentally eating your own face from the inside out.
We used to save up for arguments, collecting problems and grievances like currency until we had enough to make it worth it – the possibility that one or both of us might decide that none of this is worth the trouble. Until every conversation had a hidden trap door which if triggered would send us plummeting to a dungeon of our own making.
What I’m getting at is open sores are no way to live.
Rosie Tucker‘s new album, Never Not Never Not Never Not, will be out on March 3 via New Professor. It is one of my most highly anticipated albums of 2019 – pre-order it here.