TUNES // Sophia Denai – Daughters

Post by Misha
It’s easy to mistake music, especially pop music, for catharsis. It is after all one of the few escapes we are afforded in a world from which an escape route is increasingly necessary.
Sometimes pop music is catharsis. Sometimes it is nothing other than the escape we need, and that is good. Carly Rae Jepsen, Lorde, Cardi B, Kacey Musgraves, and so forth.
The problems arise when we get so used to existence being a nightmare and the music being the dream that we forget music as action. Music as critical commentary. Music as more than simply a channel through which to voice our shared pain, grief, and trauma, but a tool for mobilization, organization, and solidarity.
Daughter is a pop song about the cycle of domestic abuse. It is impossible to listen and come away with any sense of complacency. It is a song for remembering that things ought to be better than they are. It is catchy, and empowering, and angry.
Buy Sophia Danai‘s music here. Daughter is the first single from her upcoming EP, Real Eyes, out March 29.