Zemmoa – No Pensar en Ti

It’s raining again in LA. Hard to believe that last week I rang in the new year dancing in between graffitied walls and piles of rubbish in an abandoned Mexico City warehouse turned sometimes party venue. I was joined by friends, wild-pupiled strangers, ex-pats and natives of the city, drag queens and DJs and photographers. I’m not usually the sort who has outrageous nights, but I’m glad I made this exception. The next day I spent a quiet day strolling the streets of the city and happened upon a record store where I bought Zemmoa’s Covers cassette on the owner’s recommendation.
Zemmoa chose her name for its likeness to the French “c’est moi” (“it’s me”). Her persona, like her music, is unapologetic and joyful, dripping with dance, disco, and weirdness. Let’s do more of that in 2019.