INTERVIEW // True Blossom

Post by Misha
These days, a lot of the bands coming through my inbox fall into one of two categories: charming DIY fuzz (sweet and lo-fi, visions of tattered plaid, and the aftertaste of warm house show PBR) or introverted indie analog (deep and warm, plush Persian rugs on the studio floor that smell of the 70s). True Blossom is the rare exception that doesn’t pick a side. Their dreamy bedroom pop debut is scrappy and serious, nostalgic and of-the-moment. Influenced by both crate digging and GarageBand.
True Blossom are Sophie Cox, Chandler Kelley, Adam Weisberg, Nadav Flax, and Jamison Murphy. I chatted with the band about coming up in the Atlanta pop scene, touring, and the new album.

How did the band form?
Most of the members of the band met when their other bands played shows together, which is perhaps a boring story but true. The Atlanta pop scene is strong, you meet a lot of rad folks playing in it. The only exception is Chandler and Sophie, who grew up intown and have known each other since grade school. They even worked on some music years ago, but Sophie was out of the game for years until TB formed.
What are your favorite parts of touring?
The best parts of tour are always the stuff that happens onstage and the new friends you make (shoutout Chez from Harrisonburg). But other than that, my favorite part was staying the night in this converted old-ass barn in Amish country outside of Lancaster. It looked like the Country Store half of a Cracker Barrel, and we all got to sleep in a bed that night. Pretty rad.
If you could work with one artist from the past, who would it be?
We would want pre-psychic break Lee Perry to produce our next album.
Do you have a favorite song to perform?
Probably We’ve Been Here Before. It’s the ‘rock song,’ ya know?
Go-to cover song?
We once played a cover of Back at One by Brian McKnight. People clapped politely, I feel it was underappreciated.
What is the first thing that comes to mind when you think about the album?
(From Sophie): I feel too scattered to know if this is the first thing I think of, but it’s something that’s been on my mind. The first lyrics I wrote for this album were for the song “What I Want I Can Never Ever Have”, about a close friend of mine who died a few years ago. The pain is still fresh, but I know it will subside and I fear that someday, I’ll forget him. I’m glad I have this album to remind me of him. I think he would have appreciated my sap and everyone else’s shred.
True Blossom‘s debut album, Heater, is due out January 14th via Citrus City Records. In the meantime, you can listen to the first single, Baby, here: