TUNES // Wallace – Sunny Monday

Post by Misha
It’s Sunday as I’m writing this but it’ll be Monday by the time you read it.
Don’t you wish you were back here in Sunday with me?
But since we’re both here now
I hope you have a really nice day and that your taxes are already filed and the sun comes out but it’s not too hot and you get something nice for yourself for lunch like from the good ramen place on the corner and you get off work at a reasonable time and traffic is not too bad so you get drinks with an old coworker that you never got close to but always thought was really cool and then I hope you go home and go to bed and I hope you have really soft sheets and I hope they’re clean and I hope you have a good ass sleep.
Sunny Monday is the first single from Philly grunge ‘n’ roll artist Wallace. The guitars are big, her vocals are growly, we can’t stop listening. Keep up with Wallace on Facebook and Insta. Download Sunny Monday pay-what-you-can here.