TUNES // Sharaya Summers – Easy Life

Post by Misha
She was tearing open all the hermetically sealed instruments, moving with a reassuring, second-nature efficiency, when suddenly she turned to me as if we knew each other very well. As if she had not only just met me thirty minutes prior, slouched in a vinyl chair and cradling my throbbing jaw. She looked into my eyes and said,
“You have to always remember to enjoy your life every single day. Enjoy being young and beautiful and alive. Never take it for granted.”
Then there was a crunching sound and she pulled out my left molar.
Sharaya Summers makes beautiful alt-country music out of Echo Park, Los Angeles, Which, incidentally, is also where I live. And my dentist. Keep up with her on Facebook, Twitter, and Insta (Sharaya, not my dentist).