Tunes // Allie Crow Buckley – Captive

Post by Colleen
I was hanging with a friend a while back, and he’s my go-to existential conversationalist. I somehow brought up how no one ever truly knows anyone fully. There’s no way, no matter how open and honest you are, that anyone will ever know all the thoughts in your head, your entire history and every action you make. I don’t think of it as something negative, more matter-of-fact.
Side note: this reminded my friend of a quote in the cult early 2000s movie The Rules of Attraction. We later watched it together, and that movie is absolutely bonkers. It’s like Run Lola Run meets Varsity Blues meets YouTube vlogging. I digress.
Sometimes your thoughts and feelings bely all reason. Your friends, who try to help reason with you can’t truly understand because they can’t feel the accompanying chemicals. They don’t know your irregular brain patterns. Those thoughts, the ones that only obey your heart and never your head, can hold you captive.
NorCal native/SoCal transplant Allie Crow Buckley illustrates the waning tides of the mind with her latest release, “Captive.” Buckley lets her ocean-inspired melody guide the way, laying her forlorn lyrics on top. The oppressive relationship she muses on isn’t necessarily drowning her, but its undertow keeps her from getting to shore safely – no matter how loud her friends call her back.
Allie Crow Buckley has one more show to her free March residency at the Bootleg Theater in Los Angeles. Check out details here for the March 26 set. You can also buy her music on iTunes here.