HULLABALOO // Year In Haiku 2017 (Pt. 1)

this is a list of songs that i love that were released between the months of january and december of 2017. it is not meant to be interpreted as A List Of The Best Songs. it is simply a reflection on the music that helped me connect with the world, others, and myself. which seemed like something worth making a list about.
i also wrote a haiku about each one.
<3 misha
(please note: this list has been posted in two parts due to website limitations. read part 2 here.)
Hiss Golden Messenger // John The Gun
how the stars remind
brightly, sadly, and always
of an afterwards
Big Thief // Shark Smile
smoked a cigarette
down as far as it would go
and pressed play again
SUPERORGANISM // Something For Your M.I.N.D.
in a dream i was
stalked by the red-eyed wolf through
an empty walmart
Vagabon // Fear & Force
infinity and
smallness cut from the same stars
as were you and me
Cloud Nothings // Enter Entirely
the sound of tape hiss
in the morning & all its
noiseful solace
The National // The System Only Dreams In Total Darkness
the system dreaming
with rose in clenched fist, waiting
to be shaken awake
Stella Donnelly // Boys Will Be Boys
no. we are all done
putting our anger away
in boxes for you
Amber Mark // S P A C E

aloneness as a
form of self-revolution
in need of an anthem
Julia Lucille // Finery
float in on clouds
of gold and melancholy and
wish for something else
Phoebe Bridgers // Funeral
i was thinking how
there was a time when all my
friends were alive
Tei Shi // Say You Do
the art of never
asking what he does when he’s not
texting me back
dvsn // Claim
i hope dvsn
helped u like they helped me get laid
in this trashfire year
Vince Staples // Yeah Right
(in other news vince
co-wrote most of my tinder
responses this year)
Charly Bliss // Black Hole
call me cute all you
want doesn’t make my bloody
teeth any less sharp
Hundred Waters // Blanket Me
the only human prayer
asks for just one thing between
the night and the now
Courtney Barnett & Kurt Vile // Fear Is Like A Forest
walk home don’t run
the stars and the dark between
are yours to care for
Cuddle Formation // Hope For The Flowers
ode to the flowers
and everyone who shares how
green life can be
TOPS // Petals
the kind of sweetness
from when no one asked sweetness
to explain itself
Shannon Lay // Recording 15
to let go. all the
way down. even tho you said
u wouldnt tonite
Lambchop // When You Were Mine
a late letting go
unfolding into the bath
a tired heart in love
Common Holly // Nothing
when the words run out
and then we’re just two people
hurting each other
Sizzy Rocket // Girls To The Front
what to wear to the
fuckboy funeral of your
very wettest dreams
Gabriel Garzón-Montano // Fruitflies
desert music is
fragile and once in a while
the rare oasis
Toro Y Moi // Omaha
she wakes up at dawn
feeling warm, safe, & at peace.
she goes back to sleep
JW Ridley // Everything / Deathless
to say “but i’m free”
loudly and often so as
not to wake the dread
Loz Keystone // How Is It
the worst part is the
absolute certainty that
it will all be ok