TUNES // Sothy – Lam Seung Bang Fai (Shelter Edit)

post by misha
i have this pair of cherry red boots from the 90s
that i wear when i want to feel like the kind of person who wears
cherry red boots from the 90s
This song, from unknown Laotian singers and mysterious producer Sothy, was originally released in the 1981 via French punk label, Oxygéne, remastered and remixed by Parisian producer Shelter, and by the very grace of god, rereleased by French boutique label Akuphone in 2017 as part of a truly shattering 4-track record (2 remastered originals and 2 remixes). It is literally the only thing I’ve listened to since like Monday morning. It’s got funk, psych, and grooves for days. Buy here.