HULLABALOO // Favorite Songs of 2016

2016 has been a big year.
I finally found a natural deodorant that works for me, for instance. There’s also been some other, really terrible stuff – some of it deeply personal, some widely televised – and a lot of timely, wrenching music to help us through it.
Words often fail when trying to describe the connection I feel to my favorite songs and I find myself using too many of them to compensate for the inadequacy of language in the face of raw love. The result is neither articulate nor especially enjoyable.
This year I saved us all the trouble and limited myself to 17 syllables per song.
Disclaimers: I’m not super good at following rules and the rigid structure of haiku poetry (5 syllables / 7 syllables / 5 syllables) is not *always* adhered to here. Take it up with my English teacher.
Big Thief // Paul
depthless velvet like
whiskey at 2am and
certain types of anguish
Frank Ocean // Nights
because we’re people
in different stages of not
knowing each other.
Bon Iver – 8 (circle)
too hot too small there’s
static on the line again
so close to the sun
Gallant // Episode
soaring falsetto
in direct proportion to
the world’s heaviness
Francis And The Lights //
May I Have This Dance
high into low like
icarus, like sisyphus
like sun to starlite
Hiss Golden Messenger //
Heart Like a Levee
i still don’t know what
a levee is but i’m
pretty sure it can break
Maren Morris // How It’s Done
a long time coming–
the sound of new nashville &
the touch of a hand
The Season / Carry Me // Anderson .Paak
this song is about
love and mothers, fear and
yearning and Jordans
D.D Dumbo // Walrus
did you know that
primordial soup is an
Bibi Bourelly // Fool
poor little fuck bois
foolish enough to mess with
bibi bourelly
Body Clocks // Dusk
hello little song
i’ve been brooding for you
since darkside disbanded
Ali Beletic // Stone Fox
written in burnt rubber,
you can almost smell the fumes
in the desert wind
Les Gordon – Atlas
she’s the tune living
in a flutter and speaking
only altitudes
Katy Goodman & Greta Morgan // Ever Fallen In Love
(The Buzzcocks cover)
love is like the god
damned terminator.
might as well sing about it.
Jean Tonique feat. DiRTY RADiO // Lit Up
is it too late to
admit that i still don’t know
wtf lit means
Jesse Boykins III // Mean Girls feat. Nico Segal & J* Davey
we need more sad boys
with safety pins in their ears
who play the trumpet
DJ Shadow feat. Run The Jewels // Nobody Speak
rtj3 like
killer mike patron saint of
come the fuck at me
Kaleo // All The Pretty Girls
every year needs its
skinny love but to what god do
we owe so many
Sango feat. Xavier Omar // The Motive Used To Be The Melody
kissed softly all of the
parts i don’t always love like
for instance, all of me
Bishop Briggs // River
you can hear how much
bigger she can get and that’s
really saying something
Imarhan // Imarhan
what “world music” they
laugh – yes tell us more about
your fucking boxes
Coldplay // Hymn For The Weekend (Ash Remix)
only remix ever
to make me wonder if coldplay
might be my favorite band
The Boxer Rebellion // Weapon
this song goes out to
all the real ones making
sure i hear the music
Sasha // View2
huhnfvphlifluh. huhnphli
pheh. huhfhifleh. huhnfvphlifleh.
hahfliphleh. hunhphlih.
James Vincent McMorrow // Evil
you don’t think coping
is the finish line until
it starts running away
Roosevelt // Fever
ever wondered what
cosmic purpose the eighties served?
well, this is it.
Manast LL’ // Sookah
cold, like lips blue, like
there’s hardly any air left
to write songs about
Dawn Richard // Love Under Lights
spun sugar bass line
warm, electrically sweet, and
made to melt away
The Geek x Vrv // Origami
just an average
tuesday night at low end theory
losing all my shit
Frankie Cosmos // Fool
you drove me home and
i never even texted
but i hope you’re well.
Whitney // No Woman
sometimes you don’t need
to reinvent the wheel to
make a good thing great
Weval // Years To Build
“about the journey”
he says knowingly, as if
he is not afraid
Bon Iver // 715 – CR∑∑KS
carefully watch the
negative space for flickers
of something bigger
dvsn // The Line
i believe in love
songs because they never ask
me to say it back
Islands // No Milk No Sugar
nothing about this
album cover doesn’t make
me think about sex
Jim James // Here In Spirit
there’s a moment that
almost approaches dubstep.
i really love that.
Beyoncé // Sorry
“BOY BYE.” and we meant it.
clear eyes and clean tears running
down the female spine
Gordi // So Here We Are
can’t stop crying
because god forbid you might
forget to be sad
Songhoy Blues // Sekou Oumarou (Timbuktu Remix)
try to tell me that
music doesn’t save lives. no,
seriously just try
Vince Staples // Prima Donna
vince raps like it’s a
thing he’d stop doing if he
could but he can’t so
How To Dress Well // Can’t You Tell
dear men this is what
is meant by pleasure centric
are you taking notes
Childish Gambino // Redbone
twenty sixteen was
the year childish gave us a
soul album amen
Parcels // Anotherclock
for when there’s no time
for anything more than the
sexiest whisper
Topaz Jones // Howlin’ To The Moon
“hey u wanna come
over tonite n have sex
just as friends tho k?”
Gap Dream // Greater Find