TUNES // Islands – No Milk, No Sugar

Earlier this year, Islands broke a three year studio silence with the release of not one, but two new albums (their 7th and 8th to date). In the words of the band:
“These are two very varied collection of songs; one a demented interpretation of pop music, with a focus on synthesizers and drum machines (This one is called Taste), and the other an attempt at rock n’ roll, with live-off-the-floor performances by the foursome. And a tap dancer on one track. (This one is called Should I Remain Here At Sea?)”
Needless to say, “demented interpretation of pop music,” is right up my alley, and though I’m a little late to the party on this one I’m making up for it with unfettered enthusiasm.
“No Milk, No Sugar” is probably the most immediately radio-ready track off the album (and possibly the most demented, though it has some steep competition). Devastating 80s synths open the track, lending serious danceability to a track that is ultimately a rather conflicted meditation on alone-ness.
Islands’ most recent project is the release of the 10th anniversary remaster of their 2006 debut, Return To The Sea. Buy it here. They will be performing the album in its entirety in LA and NY at two special shows in early December. Tickets here.
Buy Taste and Should I Remain Here At Sea on Bandcamp.