TUNES // Fatal Jamz – Coverboy

Like it or not, kids, the 80s are back. I mean like, really back. Like I know they’ve been back for a while in sort of a watered down “80s-inspired, echoes of Phil Collins” sort of way. But now there are real honest to god Nikki Sixx disciples out there making music and I’m weirdly not as mad at it as I thought I’d be.
Now, more than ever, we need music that is both radical and familiar, challenging and danceable, critical and carefree. And the 80s are the perfect vessel for that music.
Enter Marion Belle, the gender bending, black lipstick wearing coverboy of Fatal Jamz. In interviews, Belle has described the songs of Fatal Jamz as a commentary on the Los Angeles ideal of beauty and also as talismans for protection through vulnerable times. Of the band’s name, Belle says, “It’s very accurate to me. These are fatal jams. There’s no turning back.”
Fatal Jamz’ newest record, Coverboy, is out now via Lollipop Records. Buy here. If you’re in LA, don’t miss the last date of their FREE November Monday night residency at The Echo – details here.