
Posted on Apr 1, 2014By Misha

Tall Tall Shadow – Basia Bulat

I first heard Basia Bulat in 2008 in an American Apparel store in Vancouver, BC. I was struck still in the midst of my halfhearted search for an overpriced gold lamé mini-skirt, fiddle notes and her clear, earnest voice cutting through the fluorescent commercialism like a silky knife. (Sorry, I’ll stop hating on American Apparel now). When I asked the saleswoman who was playing, she enthusiastically told me about Bulat, adding that she was a friend and a fantastically sweet person. Maybe it’s just the soothing quality of her music, but I have no trouble believing that.

Now she’s offering stripped down versions of some of her newest album for free over at Noisetrade. My favorite is ‘Tall Tall Shadow’ – the muted organ is a perfect complement to her soaring vocals and the combination is arresting. Give it a listen!