TUNES // Rosie Tucker – Ambrosia

Post by Misha
Rosie Tucker makes songs that are very easy to see into, like walking along a quiet street with open, well illuminated windows. On one corner, a table being set for two; on another, a room whisked into darkness at the end of a birthday song. Fatalism and sugar swirl together in pillowy blues and yellows.
I’m not very good with change and I’m also very bad at staying the same, which is a conundrum I’m still working out. My legs are sore from walking up the stairs earlier and I keep forgetting to drink water. It’s funny how easy it is to get out of practice.
‘Ambrosia’ is a very good song for thinking about the way moments slip by when we we are watching them carefully, the excruciating concentration on the passage of time. Sit still and really settle in, let the molasses drip of Rosie’s guitar adhere itself to your chest like a heartbeat.
Buy Ambrosia here.