TUNES // Twen – Waste

Post by Misha
For a song about wasting time this one doesn’t do much of it. Doesn’t waste much of anything – breath, words, space, kinetic energy etc. Like a series of slingshots being pulled back and then released at the perfect moment, it is either tension or total catharsis at every turn.
The verse is a pitcher’s arm winding up. The rippling of muscle and tendon at the explosion of the starter’s pistol. Then the smashing of the piggybank. Billowing velocity. Distorted air. Now this is a goddamn chorus.
For a song about wasting time this one gets in and out and does its business on the leg of some poor unsuspecting chump without so much as a stutter step.
(But doesn’t rush it either, though. There’s always time to take a bite out of something crunchy and covered in guitar riffs. Always time to take aim.)
The lyrics are not so much lyrics but suggestions. Salty stabs at meaning. A playful gnashing of teeth around syllables hellbent on escape. I don’t mind not understanding; sometimes sounds are just for hearing.
I’m shocked to discover that it’s been playing for over 4 minutes. Doesn’t feel like a hair over 2. (What dark magic is this.) In any case it’s over too soon and also at just the right time.
Buy Twen’s music here.